A few years ago I complained how I found the use of the plural Legos for Lego annoying. To my ear it sounds as odd as someone asking for a glass of waters or saying "look at all the snows outside!" That's why it was with great pleasure I found the following statement from Lego.com. Even so I know a new generation of American kids are being taught to say 'Legos'. You just can't change some things no matter how important they are.
It's interesting to see how the US war in Iraq is now being framed in the mainstream American papers as another Vietnam. The New York Times today has a piece titled "Long After We Withdraw" which discusses a proposed American military withdrawal from Iraq in comparison to the Vietnam conflict. PBS has an article today titled "Analysts Discuss Possible Iraq-Vietnam Parallels". CNN recently published " Bush's Asia trip intensifies Iraq-Vietnam comparisons" Although they article says that the comparison is flawed what remains is that fact that it is being compared. Bush himself has recently drawn the parallel taking a positive spin on it by showcasing how good relations now are between Vietnam and the US. This of course is a bit absurd as it wasn't the war that created good relations, they exist despite it.
This was an artifact I noticed this evening on a piece of old sheet music. It is a result of tears and spilt beer, I think. It really looks like a trilobite or its cousin in stone to me.
it's interesting to see that people are still saying Legos after I settled that one and that I am a valuable source in quests to discover "who was the first person to breed a male lion and a female tiger". Does anybody know who Bob Folkner is?
What's with Count Basie and posteriors? I'm listening to an old collection and the track called Tush is followed by Back Door Romeo. Then comes Taint Me. Taint me indeed! Then he has the nerve to plead Please Don't Talk About Me and I Never Knew. It's a little late for that after your lustful admissions don't you think Mr Basie?
Characters: Hefty brunette with glasses and long permed ringlets. She pushes a baby stroller. Chubby woman with died blonde hair and a nose piercing.
Brunette "Look at that Hummer!"
Blonde "I like the bigger ones. They are so sexy. The bigger the better."
Brunette "Not always."
The Blonde walks up to the front of the line and sets two six packs of vodka coolers and various other bottles on the counter. "My arms are numb."
Blonde holding up a mickey of Absolut Vodka says to Brunmette "Do you like Vodka?"
Brunette "Yeah. That's why I have that bottle in my cupboard."
Blonde "I love these. I can down three of these. In half an hour. Remember when I fell asleep in Bowman's parking lot? They had to drag me out."
The blonde walks over to a wine display "I just want booze." The Blonde returns to the line up at the cash with her hands on her bottom, "I love my ass. I just do."
We have been having a great time in Boulder just being together. Today I had a little time to explore on my own looking at cds, books and trying some local food and brew. leslie met me later on in the afternoon and it was so nice since to be able to do something so normal after so long.
We dropped by the liquor store on the way home. It was a real American style store. No frou-frou decor like in the LCBO back home, just miles of aisles of jugs of booze and bottles of brew. I decided to get a six mix of pale ales. We just don't have enough of those back home.
It only took 30 minutes to get to the Ottawa airport yesterday so I was a lot earlier than I had planned. The Ottawa airport is genertally pretty quiet so check in was quick. By the time my flight to Detroit was ready I had read all of Harper's and learned all about Obama, conservative political camps and the fact that the number of house fires on US Thanksgiving rises by 32%. Armed with all this knowledge I felt I was well prepared for my journey into the home state of Ted Haggard, We took off around 4:10 and it was wonderful to see the Ottawa Valley with the river cutting through the hills and forests to our north. I could see countless lakes stretching to the horizon and it wasn't long before we hit lake Huron on our way south.
Detroit wins the award for the most annoying airport I've ever been in. After disembarking I was greeted by an infernal buzzing and screeching that seemed to be coming from the cieling area. It filled the airport and was so painful people had to cover there ears. Fortunately this only lasted one excruciating minute. By this time I saw that I needed to go through the underground concourse to get to the gate where my connecting flight was. The concourse was lit by these large panels of glowing light that shifted through the spectrum bathing everything in red, then orange, yellow, green, blue and lavender before cycling through again. This might be a fine effect in a nightclub or at a rave but for a weary traveller I'm not so sure.
In general I really like airports, probably because we travelled so much as kids. I love that energy of people being in transit, going to see new places, start new lives, see old friends or just new places. I also love that feeling of displacement that I experience. Airports have there own world, with different social rules, relationships and conventions. You are guided everywhere and everything is provided for you while you live in that space. I enjoy that for the time it lasts. A strange feeling of freedom in a controlled environment. Freedom from regular routine and from having to make decisions.
The connecting flight was delayed by two hours, so I finished my other magazine in Detroit. the flight was really bumpy which kind of made me nervous. Luckily I had some nice valerian tablets. When we arrived it was around 11:30 Denver time and a sleepy Leslie was there to great me. We waited together to spot my bag among the 200 hundred pieces of luggage that raced around the luggage claim carousel. It didn't take long despite the fact everyone else has black luggage with little wheels and we made it home by 12:30.
I am just minutes from stepping out the door. We've been waiting for this moment for a long time. I know I'm being cryptic but you also know what I'm referring too.
I leave for Boulder tomorrow. A big thank you to John Hillerup for his thoughtfulness and generosity. Announcements forthcoming.
When I return to Ottawa I will be starting a new job with an NGO. My last job was very corporate and I find that the new job fits my interests and personality much more. It's something I actually have a great deal of care for as opposed to the previous position which while a good solid position was not necessarily in line with my own interests. In short I am really excited about both this trip and the new job.
A Brand New Day (Van Morrison) When all the dark clouds roll away And the sun begins to shine I see my freedom from across the way And it comes right in on time Well it shines so bright and it gives so much light And it comes from the sky above Makes me feel so free makes me feel like me And lights my life with love
And it seems like and it feels like And it seems like yes it feels like A brand new day, yeah A brand new day oh
I was lost and double crossed With my hands behind my back I was longtime hurt and thrown in the dirt Shoved out on the railroad track Ive been used, abused and so confused And I had nowhere to run But I stood and looked And my eyes got hooked On that beautiful morning sun
And the sun shines down all on the ground Yeah and the grass is oh so green And my heart is still and Ive got the will And I dont really feel so mean Here it comes, here it comes 0 here it comes right now And it comes right in on time Well it eases me and it pleases me And it satisfies my mind
I think we all have some notion of the difference between saying I am Canadian and I am a Canadian citizen, or in this case I am American versus I am an American citizen >>>
I swear Sid and Marty Krofft had a three stage plan to screw up a generation and Lidsville, the Land of Living Hats was step three: "The koo koo kookiest"
One of the great postpunk lps ever is Wire 154. Wire started out writing exceptionally catchy under 2 minute punkpop gems on Pink Flag and began to morph on the followup lp Chairs Missing (which has my all time favourite song "Outdoor Miner"). With their 3rd lp 154, we find the that imaginary recording where Joy Division and Brian Eno collaborate, made real.
There's a shiny bottle cap moon tonight hanging just within reach of the clawing November tree fingers, and to celebrate this portent, I've loaded the moon themed disc that Leslie made for me just before we first met in person into itunes. I noticed that the moon disc itself has become a kind of moon itself as the light was reflecting off of it casting a reflection on the wall.
My first impression of the new Denver Art Museum came from an aerial photograph in which it looked like a crumpled cardboard box tossed into the city landscape. The reviews came in this week and they have generally been crushing. The tone of the article "Museum hopes shellacking won't stick", in the Denver Post is downright Canadian tone to it. It's a very self-conscious article that speaks of Denver's desire to be considered a world class city with the stamp of approval coming out of New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London.
As one reviewer stated, people will still want to see it for themselves. In fact the strong opinions about it stimulate initial interest. It's only if there is a cumulative negative experience for visitors that will tell whether the DAM fails as a showcase. Even if the function of the museum as a place to display art to the public is weak, with time, the DAM will no doubt become an iconic piece of the Denver landscape if for no other reason than it's unique structure makes it a convenient shorthand to signify the city the way the Sydney Opera House, Gaudi's Cathedral or the Eiffel Tower do for their homes.
I'm taking a trip to Colorado soon so I will see it with my own eyes.
Leslie was telling me that there was a baby mule at the barn today. The mother is a mare who was rescued from an abusive owner and the father would be a donkey. It appears the lucky donkey was making the rounds as 6 other mares rescued from the same place gave birth to mules. Now I knew that a mule was a cross between a horse and a donkey but what was new to me was that this is always a mare and a male donkey whereas a female donkey and a stallion make a hinny.
A Hinny
other crossspecie animals include: Tigons (male tiger/female lion) and Ligers (female tiger/male lion),
Savannahs (domestic cat and serval)
Zedonks (zebra donkey)
Camas (Camel/Llama)
There are a lot of other cross breed variants especially within the cat family.These are only crossbreeds that were produced sexually. I don't want to even start into all the genetically engineered animals or Chimeras (after the mythical beast). Oh but I can't resist: mouse/human, goat/spider, mouse/pig and mouse/goat. Some of these interesting breeds can be seen at Hemmy.net >>
I blame this show for everything that's ever gone wrong in my life. The name "Pufnstuf" is obviously a reference to the loads of drugs the creators were doing when they came up with this nightmare. That eye on the boat still creeps me out.
I guess I wasn't the only child for who HR Pufnstuf was the first exit to freaksville. Some comments on it as gathered form IMDB:
"This is a strange,scary,freaky demented show. All I can remember is a screaming, living flute, bizarro McDonaldland characters and "Withchy-Poo",by far the scariest villian ever on T.V. The thought of seeing this showagain sends shivers up my spine."Sexsmith2000
"I think some of my deep rooted problems originate from being placed in front of a television set circa 1969, and letting the hypnotic color-beserk images of H.R PUFNSTUF seep in." Glen Andreiev
'This show was, to put it kindly, totally insane. I can well understand how Jack Wild could become an alcoholic after being associated with this venturein psychedelic entertainment!" Robert L. Folkner
"I have nothing but deep loathing for the anguish and fear that this dark and frightening series created in the young minds of Australian children. Every episode ended with the boy struggling to get away from an evil figure. Isolationism, fear of loss, envy of others, greed, bullying, self loathing and disconnection with normality were the only themes and lessons that the children were provided with at every episode." block letters from Australia
Mike Conners of DC sums it up in a way that represents my own memories of this freak fest.
"This show, and many other Krofft programs (i.e. Lidsville and Land of the Lost), scared the hell out of me... You'd sit down and watch, allured by the surreality, the "stranger in a strange land" themes and the larger than life puppet-like characters. You'd expect a benign Sesame Street-like program full of soft freindly characters. But in the land of Krofft all things are slightly twisted, mysterious, surreal. Just look at the expressions they've sewn into the faces of the characters. Dark man, dark. You'd be a little tense for the first 15 minutes, but then Freddy the Flute would bite Witchiepoo on the finger or some hitherto inanimate object would turn around and talk and freak the hell out of you, push you right over the cliff into full throttle terror... I remember crying hysterically and trying explain to my grandmother the freaky stuff that just went down on TV. She probably thought I was crazy. This stuff permeated my dreams and nightmares for years. I deeply repressed all things Krofft and then around age 20 learned that this show actually existed. Boy was I relieved, I hadn't made it all up." Mike Conner
Brrrrr when I saw that intro for the first time in 35 years it sent shivers up my spine. I truly had a hard time watching it, thats f@*%ed.
Last weekend Leslie entered the Halloween Schooling Show at 'A Rising Star Equestrian Center' and won a handful of Ribbons Here she is with her yellow ribbon for the Loose Horse Obstacle Course with her pony Sian. They came in 3rd out of 8 beating Lady the $10,000 cow.
Here you can see the red ribbons on her pants that she won for her performance with Wildfire. She came in 2nd place in the English Equitation.
And finally she proudly displays the Great Effort Award ribbon that she won for her imaginative "Pink Feather Faerie" costume that she threw together out of the remains of horse costumes.