Spring Has Its Way Alas
Stood alone there,
out on the highway.
In the blackness,
on his own.
Through the wind,
rain and fury
'Folds the story
of Malcolm Murray
Not an evil bone
in his body,
Not a bad thought
in his mind
Always drifting,
home to home
To everybody
he was kind
Was a hunter
and a drinker
A simple life
his only care
You could find him
out on the backroad
Or in a tavern,
alone somewhere.
Heard one day,
that he'd been missing
Gone out hunting,
did not return.
The sky turned cloudy,
the wind grew still
For his poor soul,
my heart yearned
Found him lying,
in the mountains
By a stream where
he loved to be
Lost a good friend
and a good man
Say farewell
to Malcolm Murray
It's been said,
out on the backroad.
There's a shadow
by the light of the moon
Never fear,
never worry,
It's just the memory
of Malcolm Murray.
Stood alone there
out on the highway.
In the blackness,
on his own....
out on the highway.
In the blackness,
on his own.
Through the wind,
rain and fury
'Folds the story
of Malcolm Murray
Not an evil bone
in his body,
Not a bad thought
in his mind
Always drifting,
home to home
To everybody
he was kind
Was a hunter
and a drinker
A simple life
his only care
You could find him
out on the backroad
Or in a tavern,
alone somewhere.
Heard one day,
that he'd been missing
Gone out hunting,
did not return.
The sky turned cloudy,
the wind grew still
For his poor soul,
my heart yearned
Found him lying,
in the mountains
By a stream where
he loved to be
Lost a good friend
and a good man
Say farewell
to Malcolm Murray
It's been said,
out on the backroad.
There's a shadow
by the light of the moon
Never fear,
never worry,
It's just the memory
of Malcolm Murray.
Stood alone there
out on the highway.
In the blackness,
on his own....
This is reported by FOX News so you no it's the result of the most meticulous research. In other words don't you dare question its veracity. "A big boom came from sky!"
Hanging on a Limb
Wow! Stephen Harper just buckled under to Mr. Bush over softwood lumber trade. It was decided by the NAFTA arbitration board that the US was at fault for imposing illegal tariffs on Cansadian softwood lumber exports. The US fought this tooth and nail and now Harper has given away 1 Billion Canadian set a precedent that means future trade disputes will be settled outside of the terms of NAFTA. Incredible. I'm thinking that Conservatives always do the opposite of what they profess to believe in. Quote "The Americans would like to get this settled by 5 o'clock."
Eagle Eye
My roomate has been obsessively watching this live eagle cam from BC . Mostly because it is of a female on a nest of eggs that are going to hatch anytime now. She noted that in a few days the first born chick will kill the second born. Ouch!
Boo in the Loo
A haunted toilet in the Low Valley Arms a pub in Wombwell has been drawing some attention.
Live from Fiendland
Kiss for a new generation comes from Finland. They are named Lordi and they are the Finnish entrants in the 2006 Eurovision contest. Band members are Vocals: Lordi (the unholy lord of tremors), Guitar: Amen (living dead unstoppable avenger), Drums: Kita (extraterrestrial man-beast),Keyboards: Awa (possessed sorceress, she-devil) and on Bass: Ox (the giant powerhouse on hoofs).
Some peopl are taking them seriously as a Satanic force and have asked that they not be allowed to play in the Eurovision contest, which gives them way to much creedence.Songs include "Would You Love a Monsterman?", "Monster, Monster", "Devil is a Loser" and "Wake the Snake" (I wonder if that is a ballad?). According to the Eurovision web site the Lordi entry "'Rock Hard Hallelujah' is not only the most rocking Eurovision entry since ABBA's 'Waterloo' back in 1974, it also has one of the catchiest tunes".
And here's the German entry >>
Some peopl are taking them seriously as a Satanic force and have asked that they not be allowed to play in the Eurovision contest, which gives them way to much creedence.Songs include "Would You Love a Monsterman?", "Monster, Monster", "Devil is a Loser" and "Wake the Snake" (I wonder if that is a ballad?). According to the Eurovision web site the Lordi entry "'Rock Hard Hallelujah' is not only the most rocking Eurovision entry since ABBA's 'Waterloo' back in 1974, it also has one of the catchiest tunes".
And here's the German entry >>
Prime Minister Shrub
Stephen Harper seems to be emulating the ever popular Bush in his every move.
Here's the list:
1.) Wearing military outfits (the flak jacket visit to Afghanistan)
2.) Emphasizing 'patriotism' through miltary action (Afghanistan)
3.) Vetting all public comments made by party members
4.) Lowering taxes while increasing military spending
5.) Banning media from documenting the return of dead soldiers
6.) Restricting access to information
7.) Rejecting environmental responsibilty
8.) Pretends to be a regular joe, man of the people
This is not the Conservative Party of the past. This is a party that rose out of the reactionary right and the Reform Party. Creationist believer, Stockwell Day is now the Minister of Public Safety. It seems kind of crazy to be emulating a leader whose popularity is at an all time low and whose term in office looks ready to go down in history as a disaster. However Canada does tend to follow the curve 4 or 5 years after in many social and political areas.
C'est La Vie!
Here's the list:
1.) Wearing military outfits (the flak jacket visit to Afghanistan)
2.) Emphasizing 'patriotism' through miltary action (Afghanistan)
3.) Vetting all public comments made by party members
4.) Lowering taxes while increasing military spending
5.) Banning media from documenting the return of dead soldiers
6.) Restricting access to information
7.) Rejecting environmental responsibilty
8.) Pretends to be a regular joe, man of the people
This is not the Conservative Party of the past. This is a party that rose out of the reactionary right and the Reform Party. Creationist believer, Stockwell Day is now the Minister of Public Safety. It seems kind of crazy to be emulating a leader whose popularity is at an all time low and whose term in office looks ready to go down in history as a disaster. However Canada does tend to follow the curve 4 or 5 years after in many social and political areas.
C'est La Vie!
Autistic Adults Picture Project
This is an interesting site that collects photo portraits and profiles of autistic adults as part of an Autism awareness project:The Gallery >>
Just Like the Cold Old Days
Russia doesan't seem to be much more of a friend to the West/US than the USSR was. So as I said in Grade 7. It's not really about systems of government it's about power.
Iran, Russia Reportedly Reach Enrichment Deal (Washington Post)
Iran, Russia Reportedly Reach Enrichment Deal (Washington Post)
Phone_Jamming Time
What the hell? From a Washington Post item called "How the GOP Lost Its Way"
What??? And these are just the people who got caught. Was this ever front-page news? I missed this. Sigh....
On top of all the scandals, it has just come to light that the RNC paid millions in legal bills to defend operative James Tobin, who was convicted with associates in an illegal phone-jamming scheme aimed at preventing New Hampshire Democrats from voting. In doing so, the GOP appears to sanction and institutionalize corruption within the party.
What??? And these are just the people who got caught. Was this ever front-page news? I missed this. Sigh....
Mon Treal
I've been missing the good and bad ol' days of Montreal lately. I guess passing through on my way to Boston sparked that. One thing I miss was the great neighbours I had on Chapleau. What I realize now however is that this was even unusual in Montreal. Annick explained that to me, and yet I imagine it having even less of an opportunity to happen in Ottawa.
By the end of my time there I had quite a network of casual and not so casual acquaintences. I miss being able to just go out onto the porch and look over the park and hook up with people passing by who I knew. It was a warm and comfortable time and this isn't.
But you have to let it go. I'm 40 now and I feel a bit lost these days. A bit puzzled; as if I've bought some ill fitting clothes that I thought might suit me and found out they look a bit funny. Too tight.
So what's next? You can't go back. I'm not having an easy adjustment. There are different forces at work here and I have to go one way or the other.
By the end of my time there I had quite a network of casual and not so casual acquaintences. I miss being able to just go out onto the porch and look over the park and hook up with people passing by who I knew. It was a warm and comfortable time and this isn't.
But you have to let it go. I'm 40 now and I feel a bit lost these days. A bit puzzled; as if I've bought some ill fitting clothes that I thought might suit me and found out they look a bit funny. Too tight.
So what's next? You can't go back. I'm not having an easy adjustment. There are different forces at work here and I have to go one way or the other.
Recently Discovered Animal Species
- Furry lobster (Kiwa hirsuta) NEW FAMILY and GENUS: South Pacific
- Honeyeater bird: Indonesia(New Guinea)
- Colasisi, hanging parrot : Camiguin (Phillipines)
- Phillipine forest mouse (Apomys camiguinensis) : Camiguin (Phillipines)
- Golden-mantled tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus pulcherrimus): Indonesia(New Guinea)
- Long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus bruijni): Indonesia(New Guinea)
- Berlepsch's Six-wired Bird of Paradise (Parotia berlepschi)Indonesia(New Guinea)
- Madidi titi monkey: Bolivia
- Kha-Nyou, tree rodent: Vietnam
- 43 new species of vertebrates (one mammal, five geckos, two agamid lizards and 35 frogs, a new species of shrimps, 14 new species of freshwater crabs): Sri Lanka
- Highland mangabey (Lophocebus kipunji): Tanzania
- Bone eating worms (Osedax rubiplumus and Osedax frankpressi ): Whales
- Arunachal macaque (Macaca munzala) : Arunachal Pradesh (India)
- Variant anglefish: mid-Atlantic ridge
- 13,000 new marine species: World's Oceans
- Rorqual whales (Balaenoptera): World's Oceans
- Pygmy elephants: Borneo
- Giant red jellyfish (Tiburonia granrojo): Pacific Ocean
- Bernardi monkey and Stephennashi monkey (Callicebus bernardi and Callicebus stephennashi,): Amazon forest (Brazil)

Things I Learned Today
- There are as much as 7,000 words of Arabic origin in Spanish. One of them being 'Olé!' which comes from 'Allah!'
- Cervantes was a converted Jew
- Canadians made about 36 million nonbusiness visits to the United States in 2004, ...while American trips north totaled 34 million
- There is an ancient 'pyramid' in Bosnia
- Over 9,000,000 Christians live in Egypt (1992)
Neo Conservative Fantasy
An interesting remark from the Guardian concerning US relations with Iran:
That being said I do believe Iran is an obvious danger to world stability. What is ridiculous is that the Iranian people would love to be 'saved' like Iraq has been.
It is a widespread belief in Washington's neo-conservative circles that a comprehensive air assault would disorient the Tehran government and galvanise the Iranian people into bringing it down.Really? There is such a good track record on bombing and invading people who don't ask for it in such matters. Do these people even know what they are talking about? No one wants to be invaded. It's wishful thinking at best. Neo-Conservatices live in a fantasy world and sadly tromp around messing things up trying to make the world match their vision. Why don't they just get a Play Station and leave us out of it.
That being said I do believe Iran is an obvious danger to world stability. What is ridiculous is that the Iranian people would love to be 'saved' like Iraq has been.
Year Two
A year ago today Leslie and I met for the first time in Boston.

Slow Motion
I clearly don't see movies very often. The last two movies I went to were with Leslie. The first being in January, Capote, at the Bytowne, and Heart of Gold at Kendall Square in Boston this month.
Capote was really a good fable about a man who weighed his soul against fame and career and lost out. It was an exceptionaly sad story.
Heart of Gold on the other hand was a fable about a man who weighed his soul against fame and career and won out. It was a remarkably reassuring story
Capote was really a good fable about a man who weighed his soul against fame and career and lost out. It was an exceptionaly sad story.
Heart of Gold on the other hand was a fable about a man who weighed his soul against fame and career and won out. It was a remarkably reassuring story
New England Aquarium 2006
Here are some photos from our trip to the New England Aquarium in Boston >>>
What a crazy month. Before I even unpacked I was on the road to Boston to celebrate with Leslie our first year together. It was a really great time even with all the shootings in Cambridge (three). No wonder there were so many police around.
We met up with Mel and Mike as well as John Galvin and Dina(sp?) at the Enormous Room in central square, went to the Aquarium, Boston Beerworks, the North End, Boston Commons, saw Heart of Gold with an amazing sound system, ate lots, drank lots.
It was so nice to see Leslie again after two months. It was just perfect. I have a ton of pictures to sort through but heres one of Leslie and her twin sister Morely, when we went for Thai food.
We met up with Mel and Mike as well as John Galvin and Dina(sp?) at the Enormous Room in central square, went to the Aquarium, Boston Beerworks, the North End, Boston Commons, saw Heart of Gold with an amazing sound system, ate lots, drank lots.
It was so nice to see Leslie again after two months. It was just perfect. I have a ton of pictures to sort through but heres one of Leslie and her twin sister Morely, when we went for Thai food.