In my gut I feel that Kerry is going to win on Tuesday. Yes it will probably be a close call as in any thriller worth it's salt, but I feel like he will win and he will triumph in Florida. I'm not sure what has changed to make me feel this way, but as this all comes to a close I sense that the Republican party is acting out of desparation. They come across as the sweating villians in the final scene about to get their just rewards.
In the movie we're in they've unleashed the wolves and their plethora of high tech weapons to no avail. The hero marches on dodging the bullets slaying the vampires dispatching the cronies as Springsteen's Jungleland plays in the background. It all comes down to Bush, his tie unravelled, his brow shiny with sweat, looking to the heavens, the flames of the burning inferno of his own creation are reflected in his eyes that can no longer stay blind to the devastation that has arrived at his own frontdoor. He babbles "Tough decisions, steady and firm." His followers have abandoned him. The hero and his army of citizens stand in a circle around the crumpled figure.
"The Red Sox curse has been lifted" a distant voice yells from the crowd. The voices of the people swell in unbridled joy. A tear rolls from Bush's eye and behind him we see the orange eclipsed moon turn bright glowing white. "Global Test?" Bush chirps as he is gently carried away disappearing through the flame.
"With great power comes even greater responsibilty" The hero says. His stony faced silhouette black against the flames evokes Mt. Rushmore. The camera pans away to show masses of men, women and children filling the streets making there way home. The camera rises and shows us the city from above, the great fields of wheat the mountains an American flag undulates across the screen. Suddenly - It's party time USA and "Papa's Got a Brand New Bag" screams over the closing credits. So you see this is where it's at.
So that's my gut reaction and my gut says Kerry wins. My quivering knees and dry mouth however say that for those who stay until the end of the credits there is one more detail. The camera freezes on a crowd shot. It clicks in closer , closer, closer until we see the grainy close-up of one man - The grinning face of Cheney. And there goes the wailing siren psycho chord and we can all go home.