Which is the actual headline?
Doctor who performed abortions shot to death.
Doctor Who performed abortions, shot to death.
The Glob & Wail
News, culture, design and such
Resistance is Futile
Blogging seems so old-fashioned in this hyper-text world of 250 character instant updates straight from the canaries beak. 'Good' bloggin seems almost like a literary endeavour compared to Facebook and tweets. For me the Golden Age of Blogging was probably 2002-2004. Why am I still doing this? Why did I do it then?
Then: Because it was a new medium. A needed outlet that paralleled major life changes and a means to funnel a lot of thought and creativity and also to connect to people.
Now: Habit? Nostalgia? Boredom?
Latest shift: My love for growing things has intensified. Lot's of herbs, flowering plants.
Next Step: Move somewhere with some earth of our own.
And then i created a twitter account
Then: Because it was a new medium. A needed outlet that paralleled major life changes and a means to funnel a lot of thought and creativity and also to connect to people.
Now: Habit? Nostalgia? Boredom?
Latest shift: My love for growing things has intensified. Lot's of herbs, flowering plants.
Next Step: Move somewhere with some earth of our own.
And then i created a twitter account
Soon GW will be leaving the White house. So for old times sake here's a link to Bushisms >>
It covers Bushisms from 2000 up to Oct. 20, 2008.
Some recent gems:
It covers Bushisms from 2000 up to Oct. 20, 2008.
Some recent gems:
"There's no question about it. Wall Street got drunk -- that's one of the reasons I asked you to turn off the TV cameras -- it got drunk and now it's got a hangover. The question is how long will it sober up and not try to do all these fancy financial instruments." --George W. Bush, speaking at a private fundraiser, Houston, Texas, July 18, 2008
"Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter." --George W. Bush, in parting words to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and French President Nicolas Sarkozy at his final G-8 Summit, punching the air and grinning widely as the two leaders looked on in shock, Rusutsu, Japan, July 10, 2008
Tomorrow at the Witching Hour
"At last my love has come along" as the old song says. Leslie arrives tomorrow at the scheduled time of 11:59. I don't know what else to say. I can hardly believe we made it this far after so much time just dreaming.
Now we awake...
Now we awake...
Lost My Comments
I wanted to salvage my original blog and in doing so I seem to have lost all my comments. Sad but I still have all of the posts. The posts since April are in a different version I will see if I can get those switched over somehow.
Alas the glob has been cloned and now once more resides on a blogspot but at least with the classic template.
Alas the glob has been cloned and now once more resides on a blogspot but at least with the classic template.
Surfs Up
I always wanted a skateboard. When I was twelve I begged my parents to buy me one. Funny thing was that technique worked for so many things but not for the skateboard, or the pet monkey. At some point I realized I wasn't getting a monkey or a skateboard. I resorted to other tactics. Fortune left me with a choice one fine day in the form of a neighbourhood kid's skateboard left in our driveway. Who was I to say no thanks to the gods. Especially after all that praying. I didn't know who to pray to but I figured quantity would prevail and just prayed to the whole darned Universe in an early spiritual version of spam.
So I had a skateboard. I also had access to a can of silver spray paint. Soon I dubbed my new polyurethane board "the Silver Surfer". The biggest problem was that I couldn't use it in front of any other humans. I snuck it out into the parking of of the Nursing Home when no one was around and learned how not to fall as much and how to avoid breaking my skull in exchange for twisting my ankle.
One day, well a thre days later actually, my mother asked me a very significant question: "Have you seen Craig's skateboard?" Craig's mother Mrs. Pitt had called. I did what any child would do. I lied. "No. No I haven't" and left the room in a classic avoidance strategy.
A guilt trip followed. From my mother but also from that annoying little voice in my head. I came up with what I was certain was a clever plan. I waited a day and reported that I may have seen the skateboard in a ditch nearby. Sure enough there it was. it was returned soon thereafter and no questions were asked.
Childhood: the formative years of the criminal mind.
So I had a skateboard. I also had access to a can of silver spray paint. Soon I dubbed my new polyurethane board "the Silver Surfer". The biggest problem was that I couldn't use it in front of any other humans. I snuck it out into the parking of of the Nursing Home when no one was around and learned how not to fall as much and how to avoid breaking my skull in exchange for twisting my ankle.
One day, well a thre days later actually, my mother asked me a very significant question: "Have you seen Craig's skateboard?" Craig's mother Mrs. Pitt had called. I did what any child would do. I lied. "No. No I haven't" and left the room in a classic avoidance strategy.
A guilt trip followed. From my mother but also from that annoying little voice in my head. I came up with what I was certain was a clever plan. I waited a day and reported that I may have seen the skateboard in a ditch nearby. Sure enough there it was. it was returned soon thereafter and no questions were asked.
Childhood: the formative years of the criminal mind.
Flat Coated Retriever
I met a new dog in the park on the weekend. A Flat Coated Retriever. It is related to the St. John's Water dog which is the ancestor of the Newfoundland, the Labs and the Golden Retriever as well. A mighty fine pedigree. She was a very sweet dog. She has a bearish head somewhere between a Lab and a Newf. Such good temper and a nice long coat. in brief, I want one.